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Tooth Identification

First chart (Universal Numbering System)-Permanent tooth

Right = patient's right.  Left = patient's left

Universal Numbering System

The first chart is a universal numbering system adopted by the American Dental Association; the most widely used by general dentists.

In adult teeth, numbering of upper teeth begins at the wisdom tooth at the farthest upper right side (tooth #1) and ends at the wisdom tooth at the farthest upper left side (tooth #16)

In lower teeth, numbering continues from the upper, begins at lower left third molar (wisdom tooth) as number 17 and ends at tooth #32, lower right third molar (wisdom tooth).  See first chart above for easy understanding of the system.

Another method of identifying tooth is to refer to them according to their location in the oral cavity, each tooth is identified by name instead of number:

Maxillary = upper jaw
Mandibular = lower jaw 

Upper teeth

Upper anterior teeth include 6 teeth, #6 to #11
#6 refers to upper right cuspid (canine) or Maxillary right cuspid (canine)  
#7 refers to upper right lateral incisor or Maxillary right lateral incisor
#8 refers to upper right central incisor or Maxillary right central incisor
#9 refers to upper left central incisor or Maxillary left central incisor
#10 refers to upper left lateral incisor or Maxillary left lateral incisor
#11 refers to upper left cuspid (canine) or Maxillary left cuspid (canine)

Upper bicuspid (premolar) teeth include 4 teeth, #4, #5, #12, #13
#4 refers to upper right second bicuspid or Maxillary right second bicuspid
#5 refers to upper right first bicuspid or Maxillary right first bicuspid
#12 refers to upper left first bicuspid or Maxillary left first bicuspid
#13 refers to upper left second bicuspid or Maxillary left second bicuspid

 Upper molar teeth include 6 teeth, #1 to #3 and # 14 to #16
#1 refers to upper right third molar (wisdom tooth) or Maxillary right third molar
#2 refers to upper right second molar or Maxillary right second molar
#3 refers to upper right first molar or Maxillary right first molar
#14 refers to upper left first molar or Maxillary left first molar
#15 refers to upper left second molar or Maxillary left second molar
#16 refers to upper left third molar (wisdom tooth) or Maxillary left third molar

Lower teeth

Lower anterior teeth include 6 teeth, #22 to #27
#22 refers to lower left cuspid (canine) or Mandibular left cuspid (canine) 
#23 refers to lower left lateral incisor or Mandibular left lateral incisor
#24 refers to lower left central incisor or Mandibular left central incisor
#25 refers to lower right central incisor or Mandibular right central incisor
#26 refers to lower right lateral incisor or Mandibular right lateral incisor
#27 refers to lower right cuspid (canine) or Mandibular right cuspid (canine)

Lower Bicuspid (premolar) teeth include 4 teeth, #20, #21, #28, #29

#20 refers to lower left second bicuspid or Mandibular left second bicuspid
#21refers to lower left first bicuspid or Mandibular left first bicuspid
#28 refers to lower right first bicuspid or Mandibular right first bicuspid
#29 refers to lower right second bicuspid or Mandibular right second bicuspid

Lower molar teeth include 6 teeth, #17 to #19 and #30 to #32

#17 refers to lower left third molar(wisdom tooth) or Mandibular left third molar
#18 refers to lower left second molar or Mandibular left second molar 
#19 refers to lower left first molar or Mandibular left first molar
#30 refers to lower right first molar or Mandibular right first molar
#31 refers to lower right second molar or Mandibular right second molar
#32 refers to lower right third molar (wisdom tooth) or Mandibular right third molar

Universal Tooth Numbering according to the first chart

Second chart - FDI Two-digit Notation

This charting divides teeth into 4 quadrants with 8 teeth in each quadrant; using upper right and left central incisors and lower right and left central incisors as the dividers. 
  • The first quadrant (1) begins at the upper right central incisor and continue toward wisdom tooth  (11-18)
  • The second quadrant begins at the upper left central incisor and continue toward the wisdom tooth (21-28)
  • The third quadrant begins at the lower left central incisor and continue toward the wisdom tooth (31-38)
  • The fourth quadrant begins at the lower right central incisor and continue toward the wisdom tooth(41-48)